Career Days
Would you like an attorney or judge to come speak to your classroom about their profession? Topics discussed are:
- What do Lawyers do?
- Requirements to becoming a lawyer and Judge
- What other law related professions are there?
Classroom Speakers
This program offers attorneys and judges to speak to your students on a wide variety of topics that covers historical law, professionally related laws, legalities around current issues, and miscellaneous legal topics. A list of topics for which we have speakers and more information on how to participate in this program is available here.
Colorado Bar Association High School Mock Trial Program
Since 1985, the Colorado Bar Association (CBA) has proudly sponsored the CBA High School Mock Trial Program. This program is funded by the CBA Litigation Section and the Colorado Bar Foundation. This educational program is one of more than forty-five educational programs in Colorado and is one of the leading and most respected programs in the country.
More than 100 high school teams participate in Colorado’s mock trial program. Approximately 1,500 students perform as attorneys and/or witnesses in a court case. Hundreds of attorneys, judges, teachers, and other community leaders volunteer their time to instruct students about the judicial system and the trial process through this educational program. More information about the program is available here.
Constitution Day
The Denver Bar Association recruits volunteers into your classroom for Constitution Day. We celebrate this national holiday on September 17th. The DBA would be happy to recruit an attorney in your classroom the week of September 17th. This day is an American federal holiday that recognizes the ratification of the United States Constitution which was signed in 1787. A DBA volunteer will speak about the constitution and pass out pocket constitutions to your students. If you are interested in having a Constitution Day speaker, please contact Ashley Staab.