Get Involved

For more information about a committee contact the staff liaison listed below or call 303-860-1115.


Access to Justice

Chairperson 2023–2024: Samantha Caravello
Co-Chair: Dan Richards
Staff Liaison: Virginia McClerkin, 303-824-5333

The Denver Access to Justice Committee meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at noon. All meets are virtual because of pandemic. This Committee promotes pro bono and low-cost legal services and serves as a forum for stakeholders to discuss and raise awareness about access-to-justice issues in our community. Please contact Chairperson Samantha Caravello if interested in participating in this committee.


Chairperson 2023–2024: Danae Woody
Staff Liaison:  Amy Sreenen, 303-824-5371

This is an appointed committee responsible for nominating the winners of the annual Award of Merit; also coordinates other awards given by the association: DBA Volunteer Lawyer of the Year, DBA Young Lawyer of the Year, Judicial Excellence, and Teacher of the Year.


Bench Bar

Chair: Greg Daniels
Co-Chair: Judge Chris Baumann
Staff Liaison: Juliann Tricarico, 303-824-5340


Chairperson 2024–2025: Andrew Rubin

Court Mediation Service

Chairpersons 2023–2024: Liz Walker and Pat Ayd
Staff Liaison: Amy Sreenen, 303-824-5371



The Docket is the publication for the Denver Bar Association. The Docket presents news of interest to the Association's members calendars of events and CLE classes; restaurant, movie and book reviews; practice tips, gossip and humorous articles of all kinds. The committee members write material and work with the DBA staff to publish The Docket. Written material is solicited from all members of the DBA, not just the committee members.


Joint Management

Chairperson 2024–2025: Meagan Moodie
Staff Liaison: Jessica Lindzy, 303-824-5343

Legal Fee Arbitration

Chairperson 2023–2024: Jay Ledbetter and Stuart Morse
Staff Liaison: Katrina Silbaq, 303-824-5347 or 303-824-5319

Legal Fee Arbitration is a joint committee with the Colorado Bar Association and provides for arbitration of fee disputes between lawyers and their clients.

Chairperson 2024–2025Kevin McReynolds
Staff Liaison: Jessica Lindzy, 303-824-5343

Presidents' Diversity Council

Staff Liaison: Jessica Lindzy, 303-824-5343

Professionalism Coordinating Councils

   Chairperson 2023–2024: Hon. Jonathon Shamis and Erika Holmes
   Staff Liaison: Ashley Staab




Chairperson 2023–2024: Chuck Turner
Staff Liaisons: Amy Sreenen, 303-824-5371

This group of attorneys is for those members “65 or better.” The committee has four big events throughout the year. The biggest party of the year is the Senior Spring Banquet, which honors Denver lawyers who have been licensed for 50 years. The committee’s fall event, the “Seniors Roast,” honors an attorney or judge nominated by the most active senior members for his/her outstanding commitment to the legal community. December’s Holiday Party is the most casual of the events and includes connecting with familiar faces, spreading holiday cheer and enjoying tasty fare. July’s golf tournament is always a hit with the senior members and adds a little competition to the event calendar. New members are welcome.