THE WATERMAN FUND is a charitable trust that provides financial assistance to Colorado lawyers. The trust was created by the will of Anna Waterman, surviving spouse of Colorado’s U.S. Senator, Charles Waterman.

Financial awards from the Fund are made "…for the sole and only purpose of relieving the financial necessities, assuaging the hardships and lightening the financial burdens of aged, infirm or otherwise incapacitated members of the Colorado bar, in good repute and standing, and who shall have practiced law in Colorado for a period of at least 10 years…."
Five Fund attorney-administrators meet monthly to consider applications for assistance. Distributions range from one-time benefits to six-month awards which are renewable. 

To download an application, please go to the Application Download page. All information about applicants and awards from the Fund are confidential. Please direct your questions or a completed Application to -

Denver Bar Association Waterman Fund
1290 Broadway, Ste 1700, Denver, CO 80203
Phone (303) 824-5331

Email [email protected]


Five Fund attorney-administrators meet bi-monthly to consider applications for assistance. Distributions range from one-time benefits to six-month awards which are renewable. 



The Denver Bar Association advances professionalism with the legal community and promotes justice in the broader community.