Volunteer Opportunities

A full list of programs and their descriptions is provided below.

For any additional information, questions, or concerns, please contact Amy Sreenen at 303-824-5371 or [email protected].

Pro Bono Legal Clinics and Ethical Considerations
To encourage lawyers to participate in clinics, and allay some common fears about the application of the Rules of Professional Conduct in clinic settings, the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel partnered with the Colorado Access to Justice Commission and the Denver Bar Association-Access to Justice Committee to produce “Justice For All: Pro Bono Legal Clinics and Ethical Considerations.” The video is available here as well as answers to frequently asked questions regarding representation at clinics.

Colorado Lawyers for Colorado Veterans
Timing: 2nd Tues. of each month at 12:00 p.m. (2 hours)
Contact: 303-860-1115
Designed to provide veterans with assistance related to challenges in obtaining medical care, disability benefits, reemployment rights, consumer, housing, criminal and family law matters, and in obtaining legal counsel. In cooperation with a number of local bar associations, free legal clinics are offered for veterans across Colorado.
Court Mediation Services
Timing: Ongoing
Contact: 303-824-5377
Co-mediate cases in Denver County Court’s Civil Division. Must have a minimum of 40 hours basic mediation training.
Legal Night at El Centro San Juan Diego 
Timing: Ongoing

Contact: 303-860-1115
Provide information on a variety of legal topics and how they may relate to immigration issues. 2830 Lawrence St., Denver.
Legal Night at Mi Casa
Timing: 3rd Tues. of each month at 5:30 p.m. (2 hours)
Contact: 303-860-1115
Volunteer attorneys will provide information on a variety of legal topics, and how they may relate to immigration issues. 345 S Grove St., Denver
Metro Volunteer Lawyers
Timing: Varies
Contact: Anthony Pereira
MVL coordinates the provision of pro bono legal services by volunteers within the Denver Metro Area to people who could not otherwise afford legal services for their civil legal issues. Volunteer opportunities are available for attorneys, mediators, paralegals and law students ranging from 1–2-hour clinic opportunities to full representation of a client on a pro bono basis.
Our Courts
Timing: Ongoing
Contact: Ashley Staab
A public education outreach project where speakers address the role of fair and impartial courts in applying and preserving the rule of law. It provides nonpartisan informational programs to adult audiences around the state to further public knowledge and understanding of the state and federal courts in Colorado.
Pro Se Clinics
Timing: Once a month (2 hours)
Contact: 303-860-1115
Conduct a pro se legal clinic for the community. Topics include: Divorce and Bankruptcy.
Succession to Service
Succession to Service is a statewide online portal designed to help lawyers find volunteer opportunities and assist Coloradoans with their legal needs. Through the free portal, volunteer lawyers and law students have a centralized location to search and sign up for pro bono opportunities across the state. Visit Succession to Service and connect directly with Colorado's legal services organizations and pro bono opportunities at https://app.joinpaladin.com/succession-to-service/.
Please contact Ashley Staab to schedule any of the school based projects listed on this page
Career Days
Timing: Ongoing during school year, depending upon school requests
Grade Level: All grade levels
Speak about the legal professions to a classroom, or at a CBA/DBA sponsored booth.
8th Grade Career Fair
Timing: November/December
Speak about the legal professions to a classroom, or at CBA/DBA sponsored booth. 
In-Class Mock Trials
Timing: Ongoing during school year (3 hours)
Grade Level: All grade levels
Help describe the importance of mock trials for students at the same time they expand their speaking, writing, reading, and analytical skills while learning about the judicial system.
In-Class Law-Related Activities
Timing: Ongoing during school year
Grade Level: All grade levels
Implement miscellaneous law-related activities in the classroom. Materials are provided for use by attorney and teacher.
Colorado Mock Trial Program
Timing: Mid-Dec.–mid-March, can extend to mid-May if team advances to National
Grade Level: High School
Attorney Coaches: Partner with teachers to coach students about mock trial elements and prepare a case problem for regional and state mock trial competitions.
Timing: Varies for each school
Assistant Attorney Coaches: Assist primary attorney coaches with preparation of mock trial teams.
Timing: Feb. and March Friday afternoon or Saturday (4 hours)
Scoring Panelists: Adjudicate mock trial rounds at the regional/state tournament. An orientation and Bench Brief provided in advance.
Timing: Feb. and March Friday afternoon or Saturday (4 hours)
Courtroom Monitors: Monitor courtroom(s) and rounds during mock trial tournament. An orientation and checklist provided.