As a result of the unique relationship between the CBA and the DBA, shared office space and staff, there are expenses that are not easily allocable to either Association. The role of the JMC is to determine the appropriate allocation of joint expenses between the associations. The major expense items that are analyzed by the JMC are rent, salaries/benefits, and other general and administrative expenses. The CBA and DBA Budget Committees will then meet separately to evaluate their current programs, plan for next year and to make recommendations to the JMC as to staffing and facility needs. With the input from the Budget Committees, the JMC will finalize their part of the budget. The JMC is comprised of several Budget Committee members in order to ensure some continuity in the process.
The Budget Committee, which is comprised of members of the Board of Trustees, is charged with developing and presenting the entire budget to the trustees. The Budget Committee reviews all revenue line items and expense line items, including department budgets and committee budgets. The Budget Committee also makes recommendations with respect to the general fiscal policies and financial conditions of the DBA.
The Budget Committee will meet to evaluate current programs and to plan for the future. Recommendations will be made to the JMC on staffing and facility needs.
The Budget Committee presents the budget to the Board of Trustees for approval in May. Specific policy or programmatic issues are brought to the attention of the Board of Trustees at this time.
One of the most important functions of the president-elect is participation on the Budget Committee. This gives the president-elect some input for programs during his or her year and is a wonderful orientation on the functions and projects of the association.
1. The objective of the DBA's investment program is to obtain the maximum possible return on surplus funds while assuring protection of invested assets.
2. Because the DBA is a non-profit organization, investments should not be designed for speculation.
3. Investments must be made in such a manner as to insure sufficient liquidity to meet operating and contingency expenses.
Types of Investments and Approval Process
1. The executive director, assistant executive director or director of finance and the treasurer are permitted to invest short term cash surplus for up to an average maturity of 1-1/2 years without Board of Trustees approval in federal or state fully insured:
a.money market funds,
b.certificates of deposit at commercial banks or savings and loan institutions,
c.money market funds that invest in government backed securities, or
d.managed fund account, meeting above objectives.
2. Investments in securities (stocks and corporate bonds) may be made only under a policy approved by the Board of Trustees.
3. Any investment for a period of over an average maturity of 1-1/2 years may be made only if approved by the Board of Trustees.
Investment Supervision
1. Upon the recommendation of the treasurer, the Board of Trustees may hire the services of a professional investment advisor to assist with placement of investments.
2. The deputy executive director and the treasurer shall report on the status of all investments on a quarterly basis to the Board of Trustees.Adapted 12/92
Board of Trustees/Committees/Board of Governors
1. No reimbursement for members and/or committee chairs for travel to meetings.
2. No reimbursement for Board of Governors representatives. The Board of Governors represent the local bar associations and some local bars pay a portion of the costs of the representatives. If there is a change in the Board of Governors meeting policy, a change in the reimbursement policy can be considered at that time.
President and President-Elect
1. Reimbursement is made to the president and the executive director, as well as spouses, to attend the annual meeting of the ABA. Reimbursement is made to the president-elect and executive director, as well as spouses, to attend the mid-year meeting of the ABA.
2. Reimbursement is made for the president-elect and executive director to attend the Bar Leadership Conference.
ABA Delegates
Annual Meeting
ABA Reimburses: No expenses are reimbursed.
DBA Reimburses: Registration fee, travel costs, meals and lodging for both delegates to attend each day the House of Delegates meets.
Mid-Year Meeting
ABA Reimburses: Travel costs based on coach or economy rate and ground transportation. (Reimbursement requests are submitted to the ABA Policy Administration Office by using the form provided by the ABA.)
DBA Reimburses: Lodging and meals for both delegates to attend each day the House of Delegates meets. There is no registration fee for the mid-year meeting. (Reimbursement requests are submitted to the DBA Office.)
Additionally, each delegate makes his/her own hotel and air reservations. Please utilize the ABA airfare discount program that accompanies the registration materials. Usually the fare quoted through the ABA discount will nearly equalize a "Saturday night stay" rate.
Generally speaking, if the house meets Monday and Tuesday, the association reimburses for two days on the assumption delegates will spend Sunday and Monday nights at the site and head home Tuesday p.m. Certainly, if the house runs over, or you cannot get out on Tuesday, an additional day will be permitted.
Young Lawyers Division
1. Reimbursement of travel cost and a per diem to cover food and lodging.
1. Committees cannot exceed the amount they were budgeted without prior approval from the appropriate governing body.
2. Committee members are not reimbursed for travel expenses associated with meetings.
3. Committee members, with the approval of the chair, can be reimbursed for incidental photocopying, telephone and postage costs. Larger administrative projects should be coordinated through the DBA offices.
4. Meal function costs, including luncheon meeting expenses, are not reimburseable.
5. Committees are expected to cover their direct expenses for CLE programs unless a special subsidy has been granted.
6. Any monies generated by committee activities must be submitted to the DBA for placement into the general fund of the DBA.
7. All reimbursement requests should be approved by the chair before submission to the director of finance.
8. Cannot give or allocate monies from their budget to an outside entity without prior approval from the appropriate governing body.
Expenses for the spouses of the president, president-elect and executive director to attend various ABA meetings will be paid for.
Adopted 5/83