The Denver Bar Association (DBA) Awards Committee needs your nominations for the DBA awards. Nominate an attorney by submitting a statement of why the nominee deserves the honor. Nominations are due April 20, 2025.
The DBA is committed to tirelessly advancing and advocating for equity in the practice of law. The DBA recognizes the importance of promoting diversity and inclusivity in advancing equity. The DBA also believes that it is necessary for lawyers to actively oppose, confront, and dismantle systemic and institutionalized inequality by:
- Seeking out and uplifting the voices and ideas of marginalized groups in all contexts;
- Recruiting and retaining volunteers in leadership roles from such marginalized groups to greater advocate for equity throughout the DBA; Promoting anti-bias education that spotlights the history of systematic oppression, including racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and ableism, specifically in the context of the legal system; and
- Challenging notions that elevate the dominant majority culture above others.
The DBA Award of Merit
Recognizes outstanding leadership, competency, ethics, professionalism, community service and contributions to the DBA and the legal profession. Acknowledges outstanding service rendered in the interest of the improvement of the administration of justice.
Criteria: Candidate must be a lawyer, judge or law professor who is a regular member of the DBA. Candidate must also be able to demonstrate a career focused on outstanding service, including substantive contributions to the DBA and/or legal community far beyond regular membership and attendance.
DBA Young Lawyer of the Year
Recognizes outstanding service as defined by ethics, professionalism and contributions to the DBA, legal profession and community.
Criteria: Candidate must be a member of the DBA who is younger than age 37 or has been in practice less than three years. Candidate must also illustrate an outstanding record of service and contribution to the Bar Association and the Denver legal community.
Judicial Excellence
Honors a DBA member of the judiciary for extraordinary service or exceptional contributions to the improvement of the judicial system.
Criteria: Candidate must be a Denver Judge and a member of the DBA who has illustrated excellence on and off the bench. This candidate must show a dedication to improving the judicial process in Colorado and a commitment to his or her community.
DBA Volunteer of the Year
Honors a DBA member who in the last year has performed extraordinary pro bono legal representation or provided exceptional voluntary service to cultural, civic, educational or charitable causes.
Criteria: Candidate must be a lawyer and active member of the DBA. Candidate must also have a record of volunteering for various pro bono projects. The service history must show a number of hours spent on multiple separate occasions where the attorney provided useful pro bono services. Organization of pro bono projects, coordination with pro bono organizations and consistent raising of hand to serve the community’s legal needs is highly regarded.
Education in the Legal System
Honors teachers, programs and/or schools that exhibit outstanding dedication to teaching students about civics, the American legal system and the Rule of Law.
Criteria: Candidate must be a teacher in a Denver school, a program conducted in a Denver school (whether or not sponsored by the school) and/or a Denver school educating students from kindergarten to twelfth grade.
Outstanding Program or Project
Acknowledges those programs or projects that uphold the highest traditions of the legal profession, such as ethics, professionalism, education, access to justice, community service or promoting charitable causes. Recognizes exceptional collaboration between members of the Bar.
Criteria: The chosen program or project must be affiliated with the DBA and must uphold the highest traditions of the legal profession such as ethics, professionalism, education, access to justice, community service, or promoting charitable causes. The ideal program will show exceptional collaboration between members of the bar.